What happens during the second half of the school year to school administrators after they have had a weary and worrisome day? They go out on the edge........maybe it was just out on the edge of the www (world wide web) in search of some fun and relaxation.
So, in the early part of this calendar year I signed in to
Delt In-Circle to update my personal information. During my time on-line at In-Circle I was drawn to a section listing those
Delts that had blogs. Blogs? Blogging? Heard a lot about it, thought I'd check it out.
Clicked on a blog with the "cutesy" title
PlaceMatt. Eyes wide open moment. Here was someone, out there in the world (actually Dallas, Texas) basically "
journaling" about life, his life and thoughts. Couple that, with a twist on regular blogging.......the video blog......aka
vblog. My interest was piqued, to a high degree! More importantly to me, I was getting to know this guy through his thoughts and words.
I studied a bunch of his previous posts and got the gist on this 30 something guy. I even ventured over to the blogs of a couple of his friends. That got me thinking.......(I know, insert joke here).
So, I use what someone referred to recently as "counter-intelligence" moves to basically play up to these guys as if I were one of their buddies. They fall for it, many great verbal debates ensue and
unbeknowst to me they begin to investigate who this person named "anonymous" (the name I used when commenting on their blog) to find out just which buddy of theirs I was?
There was a lot of intelligence/counter-intelligence moves put on by both sides. But, what started out as mere fun out on the vast world wide web (where some claim that there is a real disconnect between human beings) ended as a friendship and mutual admiration society.
This past Tuesday Cindy and I traveled to New Orleans to meet the two "main" men in our new Dallas Connection. Having blogged with these guys for over 10 months my suspicions were correct: They are both men of character (or can be characters), they have a love of life and of their families, and they know how to have a good time. Qualities most of you know I value in a true friend.
The irony I felt after our time together, was that on Tuesday night, I met two new friends, but, yet it felt as if we had known each other for a good portion of our lives. As an aside to our meeting was the strange
occurrence......they brought along two of their co-workers (newly hired) for the ride and witnessing the mayhem. God knows what went through their minds?
Like Cindy said about these guys, Matt aka
PlaceMatt and Jason Mitchell aka El
Mol are a kick to hang around with! We hope to meet up with our friends again in the future and maybe even expand our Dallas Connection. Could a meet and greet with
MOL Junior be in the offing?
You just never know what is going to happen out there among them English, do you?
Query on Tier One? A reference PlaceMatt and El Mol made in one of their vblogs referring to how close "Anonymous" was in their circle of friends.
Peace upon you.