Monday, April 28, 2008

Lucky Man..............(E, L, & P)

Great Party
Great Friends
Great Time
A little sprinkle of rain
Great Presents
Good Crawfish
I didn't get the girl in the box, just the floating lounge chair
Crown disappeared
Lots of laughs
Going away.......Bittersweet
Damn Good People

Viva Jessica & Mitch
Viva Boyet
Viva Sybil
Peace Upon You

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Razor Thin

How could I be out of razor blades? That's what I thought!
Then it occurred to me that Big Dave had failed to provide me with blades or a razor for the first time in 5 years. I bought this one, Big Dave gives me better stuff.

Viva Big Dave
Viva Looking Sharp
Peace Upon You.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brotherly Love

These Brothers are Brothers!
'preciate them allowing me to tag along (putting up with my bad golf) with them at the TSS Golf Tournament.
Viva Chris
Viva Dave
Peace Upon You.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Lloyd Alva Spring

He's the one all the way to the RIGHT!

Miss Susan's Man
Baron's Dad
Does everything First Class
Furniture Expert - has traveled many a mile in the Furniture World
Consumate Salesman - gets you to do what he wants and makes you think its your idea
Southeastern Alumnus of the Year, Every Year
"Big Box" or "Box"
L. A. S.
His Lloydness
Food Whore
Loves to cook, I mean loves to COOK!
Wine Connoisseur
Always brings home the bacon
All-round Good Guy
Loves to aggravate - especially "the Dube"
E Phi Delt
"Brother Lloyd"
Great friend
Viva Lloyd
Viva Susan
Viva Baron
Peace upon you.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Simple Thoughts

Breast Reduction
Viva Cracker Jack
Viva Doc
Peace Upon You.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Simple Thoughts

Let this man's life serve as a WARNING to others.
Viva Randall
Viva the Irish
Peace Upon You

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sugar 'n Spice

Or should that be Sugar 'n Extra Heavy Duty Spicy?
Does the guy on the right have any clue how lucky he is?
He should wake up every morning pinching himself.
Soon to be new to the neighborhood.
Viva Sugar
Viva Mike
Peace Upon You.


Don't know if you have seen the Survivorman series on cable t.v.?
They drop a guy in the wilderness and he has to survive on berries, leaves, snakes, etc. You get the picture.
My episode involved mis-packing for the Cruise. We boarded the ship and after emptying our bags I discovered that I had not packed any no t-shirts, no boxer briefs. I survivormaned all week......lots of airing out.....lots of commando.
BTW, upon my return home I found my underwear neatly stacked on the bed where I had packed everything but that underwear.
Viva Hanes
Viva Survival of the Fitest
Peace Upon You

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Maine Line

So I am in my bed in my bunk at Camp Winaukee in the summer of 1971 when Ronald Clayton Spangler (heretofore referred to as “Spike”) rouses me out, to take me on what he would call the “Adventure of Maine”. Along with his lady companion (L.C.) we hopped into his car and began a trek toward that great state (to the East).

I had no clue (insert usual joke here) exactly where we were headed????? Only Spike and his L.C. knew or at least had a clue where that might be. It just so happens that once we got near the place where we would eventually stop that the sky started to get gray (and it turned cold) with the appearance of what one might call a “typical blustery Maine day”. Of course the fact that there was a “mist” or “spittle of rain” in the air along with the winds added further to the scene.

Stepping out of the car on a small plot of land that had a sign signifying “Lands End” in this type of weather only further cemented the picture of this day and time in my mind. Truly this was like every day in Maine? Or at least how you would want it on the first day you step on Maine soil.

Spike realized the importance of the moment, the day, and the time, right then. He then put forth this important charge: We must rent a boat and get out in the water as if we were true Maine fishermen or lobstermen.

Unable to call “bullshit” on that notion I succumbed to the charge and we rent a small boat. Not long after cast off did the weather turn really nasty (I would claim a Nor’easter hit us, but, that is only because I was chicken). The “mist” turned to rain and the waters began to swell, the waves got bigger with each bluster of the wind and I patiently (scared to death) waited for Spike’s command to return to land.

Spike relented at some time and we guided our small vessel back to land. We stepped upon the shore shivering and wet. Certainly this was what it was like every day in Maine? And we had experienced it firsthand. Lucky us! Scared Us!

To celebrate Spike, L. C., and I enjoyed a meal at Cook's Lobster House right there on Bailey Island. Perfecto! Glorious!
Viva Maine
Viva Spike
Viva L. C.
Peace Upon You

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Simple Thoughts

The Professor espouses this theory:
"We don't even know what we don't know."
That completely summed up the situation we were speaking about at that time.
Viva The Professor
Viva ? and the Mysterians
Peace Upon You

Thursday, April 10, 2008

You know your a "food whore" when......

you take pictures of food or places you like to eat........
Viva my f.w. niece Shani Shan
Viva f.w. Bobby Lane
Viva f. w. Cindy Jean
Viva Mosca's, Bud's Broiler, and Liuzza's
Peace Upon You.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Holy the Guacamole.....

fue delicioso at Las Palmeras in the ciudad centro of Cozumel, Mexico.
Viva Guacamole
Viva Sol
Peace Upon You.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin.........

When the sun goes down,we'll be feeling alright
When the sun sinks down over the water
Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down

Viva Post #100 - The Century Mark at Tiger Pause
Viva Tabyana
Viva Cindy
Peace Upon You.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In search of Place Matt's infamous Turtle Whistles...

Led us to Santo Tomas de Castilla Marketplace.

All hopes were dashed as none were to be found.

Viva the Whistler Place Matt
Viva Santo Tomas

Peace Upon You.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


92 years young today
Monica Fleming
Born and raised in Belfast, Ireland.
Proud to be Irish, Irish, Irish.
"The Flemings have everything!"
More Catholic than the Pope.
Believes in the power of pray.
Loves her Sunday cup of tea.
Put a little extra butter on that bread.
Wise beyond her 92 years.
Darn good bridge player.
Hates to lose.
As hard headed as they come.
Has a heart of Gold.
No April Fool.
Viva My Mother
Viva Grammy
Peace Upon You.