Shine that Bone, Shine that Bone
Oyster Appetizer courtesy of Lord and Lady J. H. Chumsley of South Dennis, Massachusetts
Much Thanks to them for this special treat!
Much Thanks to them for this special treat!
A trip to the Upperline Restaurant in Uptown NOLA proved to be a very special "Anniversary" night for the Edwards'. On hand to join in the festivities were the Blackmon Brothers, a rather odd pair, Richard very much the Brett Favre looking guy spent most of the evening somewhat befuddled, or let's say cautious of what might be said by his brother Charles. Charles Blackmon you see is a Native American Interpreter and shared many stories of his life. Suffice it to say, Charlie had picked up the name "Silver Tongue" by some of the locals while on a reservation in Idaho.
Meanwhile, PlaceMatt was his calm, ever intellectual self, sort of taking in the moment. He too may have been quite befuddled by Silver Tongue's proclamations.
The dinner was magnificent! We would like to apologize to anyone nearby if we were a tad bit raucous during our meal. It was not our intent to disturb only to have a wonderful time.
Viva John, Ann, and Chris
Viva Place Matt
Viva Richard Blackmon
Viva Charlie Blackmon "It's all good my Brother"
Viva The Upperline
Viva Cindy Jean'
Peace Upon You