Sunday, March 29, 2009

PlaceMatt and The Blackmon Brothers in da house...

Charles "Lamb Shank Bone" Blackmon
Shine that Bone, Shine that Bone
Oyster Appetizer courtesy of Lord and Lady J. H. Chumsley of South Dennis, Massachusetts
Much Thanks to them for this special treat!

The Edwards', PlaceMatt, Richard Blackmon and Charles Blackmon
A trip to the Upperline Restaurant in Uptown NOLA proved to be a very special "Anniversary" night for the Edwards'. On hand to join in the festivities were the Blackmon Brothers, a rather odd pair, Richard very much the Brett Favre looking guy spent most of the evening somewhat befuddled, or let's say cautious of what might be said by his brother Charles. Charles Blackmon you see is a Native American Interpreter and shared many stories of his life. Suffice it to say, Charlie had picked up the name "Silver Tongue" by some of the locals while on a reservation in Idaho.
Meanwhile, PlaceMatt was his calm, ever intellectual self, sort of taking in the moment. He too may have been quite befuddled by Silver Tongue's proclamations.
The dinner was magnificent! We would like to apologize to anyone nearby if we were a tad bit raucous during our meal. It was not our intent to disturb only to have a wonderful time.
Viva John, Ann, and Chris
Viva Place Matt
Viva Richard Blackmon
Viva Charlie Blackmon "It's all good my Brother"
Viva The Upperline
Viva Cindy Jean'
Peace Upon You

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little did we know....

Unbelieveable meal...much thanks to Lord and Lady J. Hummingbird Chumsley for providing the appetizer for all. It was, later. The evening was magical..two words...The Blackmon Brothers...oops, that was'nuff said.

"Its all good my Brother"

Viva PlaceMatt
Viva Richard Blackmon
Viva Charlie Blackmon
the following was an Organizational Chart Listing of our visitors.
Viva Cindy Jean
Peace Upon You

PlaceMatt returns to the scene of the Crime...sans Mitchell

Tonight will be historical and hysterical as Anonymous and PlaceMatt remeet for laissez les bon temps rouler' in the Big Easy sans one Jason "ElMol" Mitchell. Film and pics at 11.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary My Love

Cindy Jean my Love, my Life, my Wife and My Queen
Charlie David's woman
Sheila and Louis' loving daughter
Brother and Arthur's loving sister
Sarah's Step Mother
Lakeview Girl - 6630
St. Dominic's Grad
Cabrini Grad
Charity School of Nursing
SHOH (db)
21 - Lived in Lost Wages
Loves to hang with Ducky
Always on CRUISE control
World Traveler
Saenger Theater Regular
Fat City Original
Loves Liuzza's (me too)
Did not, I repeat, did not clip Santa
God Love Her, God Bless Her, and Thank God for Her
Happiest days of my life have been spent with my CJ
viva Cindy Jean Catherine Larmeu Edwards
Peace Upon You

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top of the Morning! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

" 'Tis a blessing to be Irish"
Have a safe and blessed day.
Viva Monica Fleming Edwards, 92 years young, my "wee" Irish mother!
Viva my Irish bride, C. J.
Viva Randall
Peace Upon You

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Location!

Acadian for "Place to play Basketball"
"Good Night, God Bless, and You Be Good!"

Dave "The Rave"
State Basketball Championships!
Another day at the Office!
Viva Las Vegas
Viva Dave
Viva Lafayette
Peace Upon You.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don't Mess with Success

White Bread and Sauce
The joint

Ribs, Ribs, Ribs

Too often people try to expand on something good when all along we know to KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid. So is the case at Dreamland. Originally a place where you got Ribs and a lot of other stuff, Big Daddy John Bishop narrowed it down to, White Bread, and Sauce and that's it! But, it has now become franchised and you know what that means! Let's add Potato Salad (it was NOT GOOD), Cole Slaw (it was NOT GOOD), and Banana Pudding (it was NOT GOOD). Stick with what you know...Ribs, White Bread and Sauce.

viva "Big Daddy" John Bishop
Peace upon you