Yes, finally a course on Grass Cutting coming to a University near you. Lets start with the basics: Make sure your mower has gas, you change the oil (and check it too) regularly, and keep all accessories in their assigned place nearby.
Lesson #1 be sure to never cut the same area twice, oops, what I meant to say was the same path (direction) twice in a row. You see, grass grows better if it is cut in different directions.
So today as I cut the grass I went in a different direction than the last time. Previously I have used the left to right diagonal cut and the right to left diagonal cut both are classic Broussard touches. Today I did the rectangle with the clockwise cut.
Somehow I got completely lost in thought while cutting and began wondering about a concentric circle cut and a parallelogram cut......whew....suddenly I realized I was just a moment off kilter. Happily, I returned to reality and thought about the objective of changing cutting directions was what? Getting the grass to grow better! WTF was I thinking? Do I really want the grass growing better so that I have to cut it better? Truly the dichotomy of this whole situation.
Next time I have class with Mr. Broussard I promise to report further on his infinitesimal and infinitive wisdom as it relates to grass cutting. BTW, Mr. Broussard is a proud, self-proclaimed proponent of Scott's Brand Grass stuff.
Peace Out!
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