While taking in the "healing and therapeutic" powers of the pool on Thursday with my WW and Professor RMS it became crystal clear that the discussion of the age old questions 67 & 68 (if I may steal from Chicago)do not often pervade our life, but, must be ask and answered for there to be some meaning to this life around us.
Question 67? What is normal? 67a Who is normal? 67b What is involved in being normal? 67c Is anyone normal? While the Professor was unable to answer concisely any of these proposed questions, it became clear that it was easier to identify things that were not normal (i.e. abnormal). From a philosophical standpoint this is high intelligence shit. We left that discussion with only thoughts of KooKoo Bird Island inhabitants (inside joke). Obvious we got off track here.
Answer: Friday's mail arrived and circled on a postcard to CJ from a doctor's office was the word NORMAL (in response to some tests). Truly a sign that of the three of us CJ is NORMAL. Decision still open on me and RMS. Congratulations Babe.
Question 68 Which will be our Poll this week. How do you like your Grilled Cheese sandwich? With butter between the bread and cheese or Mayonnaise? Along with oft forgotten and hereby recognized Peanut Butter and Jelly the Grilled Cheese are two American staples that fuel us through life. Viva PB&J and Grilled Cheese
Vote in the poll.
Peace Out and Rock On.
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