Fear is a powerful personal motivator
I read that somewhere
I believe it!!
Is it that the more you see in the world,
the more you can be affected by the fear factor?
Once, back in the day (you know, when I was young)
like during the 70's.
Working at the U. S. District Courts,
plodding away like the good old government worker
I was - young - wanted more money and power, etc.
Job offer from a Steamship Company
I had experience in the field
I would be Operations Manager
make more money
"Mr. Big Shot"
I resigned the job at the Court.
Next working day
Reported to my new job
hear from "younger than me" punk guy
he was the Operations Manager
he was making more money than me
less experience
everything wasn't quite how they laid it out
talk with the "boss" man
he himmed and hawed
no I wasn't the Operations Manager just yet
there were some things they had to work out
yada, yada, yada.....
walked out of the job at Lunch time
walked to old job site
asked for my job back
got it
walked back to my new job and resigned.
Crazy, Right?
Point is, when I was young I had NO FEAR (at least it seemed)........as time goes on......I realize I just wouldn't do something like that now.
Back to my question: Is it that the more you see in the world,
the more you are affected by fear?
Viva the Cruise.
Peace Upon You.
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