Monday, April 28, 2008

Lucky Man..............(E, L, & P)

Great Party
Great Friends
Great Time
A little sprinkle of rain
Great Presents
Good Crawfish
I didn't get the girl in the box, just the floating lounge chair
Crown disappeared
Lots of laughs
Going away.......Bittersweet
Damn Good People

Viva Jessica & Mitch
Viva Boyet
Viva Sybil
Peace Upon You


Anonymous said...


Charles "Tiger" Edwards said...

Some neighbors and co workers had given Cindy a bunch of different names. One person said she looked like a Linda and her name was Cindy so he would call her Lucinda. Another person referred to her as Wendy. When I was telling someone that she was had all these names they interrupted me to say her name must in fact be: Sybil.