Friday, May 9, 2008

Broussard's Garage: Everything in its place

and don't think about moving it!!!!!
Thus is one of the garage rules at Michael "Mook" Broussard's house.
Notice the six pairs of golf shoes, Mike often plays three holes and then changes a pair of shoes. The plan is that they will all wear out at the same time and his feet will be refreshed throughout the round of golf.
May I bring your attention to the folded towels and assorted cloths. Take special note that during an automobile wax job, one cloth is assigned for wiping the wax off and another is assigned for buffing the auto. Neither one is allowed to do the job of the other and don't you forget it.
Michael becomes extremely perturbed when anyone (such as moi) puts fingerprints on his vehicle before, during, or after he waxes. I regularly make sure that I have left at least one fingerprint on his prized automobile possession "Bubba" each time I visit "Mook".
Have I ever mentioned that he has "cold" draft on hand? Yes I have and I am grateful.
Viva Mook
Viva Debbie
Peace Upon You

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