We had the opportunity to interview and talk with the man. He graciously took his time with us, extended us the hospitality of his home, allowed us to go through his pictures and press clippings, and shared a few stories with us. He is a man that believes strongly in tradition, loyalty, and above all, family. He loved his wife dearly! But, there was one other thing I saw……..but, you had to look very carefully……….if you read his eyes just right you’ll see that he is also a man of “great” determination and you can hear it in his voice.
When he talks about his coaching days, he talks about his coaches, his players and the community that supported his teams. He has a genuine love for all three. He bleeds Blue and Old Gold (he means Old Gold, not just any gold).
Back in my “Hey Day” of coaching a conversation amongst my fellow assistant coaches led us to agree that if we were not on this coaching staff then we would love to be at Covington High with Coach Salter.
What little I have said here will not do this man justice. Many have written and spoken more eloquently than I about this man.
Suffice it to say, today, lucky me, I was in the Presence of Greatness.
Viva Coach Salter
Viva Mrs. Betty Salter (R.I.P.)
Peace Upon You
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