Base Commander's Office

Ducky guards the Base, repels leaf attack

Tranquility Base…, not on the Moon, Morons….……..just a place to relax and let the day’s happenings flow out of your body into thin air. Consider Ducky (the yellow character pictured) he is the harbinger of temperature (but, yet, so much more) and basically the Base Commander! He determines if anyone gets to be in Tranquility Base. He has kept the Base doors open this year until October 16, 2008. A cool front today will force him to shut down the Base until next year.
A weekly Base meeting called by Ducky usually includes me, The Professor, and the Naysayer (aka Cindy Jean). You see the Naysayer has a way of trying to exert pressure on Ducky and potential Base inhabitants based on some illogic thinking (she listens too much to the stupid weatherpersons on TV) coupled with her inherent Larmeuitis (aka hard headedness) where she tries to ward off potential swimmers from entry into the pool……..but, alas……she has been defied many times by Ducky, The Professor, and myself. While she has a thermal non-swimming point (below 83 degrees) that keeps her from any attempt at entrance into the pool (aka Tranquility Base), she is quick to dissuade anyone else to enter without her.
Ducky, however, is reliable……….he welcomes all………he encourages by his very nature for all to attend and join him in the “sea of tranquility”………..but, even Ducky knows that there will come a time when he too will ward off his friends for he too knows that anything below 78 degrees is the non-entrance point….those that see the red line below that mark should heed Ducky’s warning.
Now that you have a working knowledge of Tranquility Base…..consider why it has this moniker…..there is much discussion about the World that takes place at Tranquility Base…..much logic is used to correct or improve upon the World around us in our thoughts and our words…….too often though we find that the World is not ready for the directives that come from Tranquility Base.
TB (Tranquility Base) Philosophy transcends the very being and fiber of all of us. We only wish that more of you would espouse to these leanings and teachings. For your life would be a happier, safer, and more enjoyable one. For it is the camaraderie of the Base Crew, the libations, and the serene surroundings that enables the weight of the World, the stress of the day, and all your worries vacates freely from your thoughts, mind, and body.
I eagerly wait the reopening! April? May? 2009.
Viva The Professor
Viva The Naysayer
Peace Upon You.
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