How does a Computer (what the hell are computers back in ‘66?) student at Delgado Junior College become a IBM key punch operator at Perpetual Federal Credit Union (Washington, D. C.) and then become a Student at SLU and graduate to get a job as an Inventory clerk with the Greater Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company aka A & P and get woke up by Henry W. "Chic" Thompson to go take a job as a Boarding agent/Asst. Operations Mgr. at Dalton Steamship Corp. (NOLA) and then tire from the stress of that job to go to Hammond and sign on as a Science teacher at VFA and then be awakened on a Saturday morning by a young, wide eyed football coach (Salvador "Donald" Currier) and signed on with him to be an Asst. FB Coach and teacher at WHS (Amite, LA) and then returned to NOLA to find a job as a Payroll clerk for the U. S. G.S. and then moved over to another branch of government as a Deputy Clerk of Court where he got a phone call one morning from Charles V. Baglio, Jr. aka Coach "Bags" to come join him as a Head Basketball Coach, Asst. FB Coach and Teacher at IHS where things were good for a long time and then Coach Bill Stubbs phoned him with an opportunity and I signed on as a Itinerant P. E. Teacher, LOM School and Asst. FB Coach, Asst. Track Coach, Asst. Baseball Coach at SHS and continued coaching as an Asst. FB, J. V. Soccer, Asst. Track Coach at FHS, Asst. FB, Asst. Track Coach at CHS and eventullay promoted to Assistant Principal, BJH School.......... just how does that person become Media Man?
Reflection is a good thing, every once in awhile, except when it confuses you.
Message for the day: "If you have surrounded yourself with good friends, your life will be rich!"
The Beatles knew it: "I get by with a little help from my friends."
Viva My friends
May he RIP Henry "Chic" Thompson
Viva C. J.
Peace Upon You
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