The Hugh Shields Flag returned to Epsilon Phi for the first time in 20 years. A Chapter 40 years in existence had retired 2 flags previously (you retire a flag when you win it 5 times) during the late 70's to late 80's. A period of time when E Phi dominated the landscape of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity nationally.
This return to prominence has been in the making for the past 5 to 6 years. The Chapter can thank former Chapter Presidents Bo Delouche, Nick Locascio, Gary Prescott, Robbie McCray, Jeff Miller, and Justin "Posh" Poche for their tireless effort in helping to bring them to this point. While none of them were present they certainly are accounted for and they can in fact revel in the fact that they helped to make it happen.
As an observer of this chapter throughout the forty years I can truly say that the individual members present in the chapter today remind me so much of my brothers "back in the day".
I had the distinct pleasure of being with my undergraduate brothers this past weekend and got a chance to see them in action. They are an impressive group. There is enthusiasm, respect, intelligence, and most of all brotherhood. This is a rare combination and should not be taken for granted. Do you hear me???
Congratulations to Nick Cavaretta and the men of E Phi for their hard work and diligence.
So, why does the title say Visitation Rights? The flag can only stay at the chapter house for the year. The Challenge is out there to win it again. Or you will have only had Visitation Rights. Good Luck to those of you that will take up this challenge.
In closing I will leave you with one brief aside...during the turbulent times that this chapter endured in the 90's one man stood firm on his convictions, looked to the future, and never wavered in knowing that E Phi could be once again a dominate force in Delta Tau Delta nationally. I believe that all Epsilon Phi's owe a debt of gratitude to Chapter Advisor and Brother Gene Pregeant.
I am proud to say "It's a Great Day to be an E Phi Delt".
viva Tom Sharp
viva Mom Heitert
viva Gene Pregeant
viva all E Phi's
Peace Upon You