Few even know of his existence...heck his wife even claims not to know him. But, silently (this is a very loose interpretation) he goes about his work...his magic if you will...to get his fellow man feeling well. No, he is not about the "laying on of the hands". He is not scientific, yet he is. Think about that for a while. He is about using wisdom (insert joke here), philosophy, and mumbo jumbo to develop his some times ingenius (insert another joke here) perscriptions for one's recovery. Frequent Rx's of dark beer, light beer, ales, and wine are his cure all exilir of choice.
Dr. Bobby operates from the patio at Taylor and 15th street where he preaches from his bully pulpit, to all that will listen, and yet, few do. Nonetheless he plods on like an ole field mule. He will never give up his gift of healing. God Bless Him!
In this his 15th year as a Kenny Leithman Award winning Track Coach. I salute Doctor Bobby!
Shear Genius.
Viva B. T. Express
Viva Annette
Viva David
Peace Upon You.
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