Well, I knew some of my regulars would be checking here to see how my progress with vocal chord polyups continues into Day 2. I have inadvertently spoken a couple of times (when people asked me questions) but, I am having to show much restraint as people are taking pot shots at me. All in jest, though. Kicking a man when he is down! Shame on them!
I purchased a dry erase board so that I can communicate with my wonderful wife. Not sure how it will work in the bedroom however. LOL She will kill me for that!
Once must adapt to survive. I don't want this to go on any longer than it needs to, talking will only delay the healing process. I want this done away with ASAP. I have gotten a bunch of strange looks when people realize I can't talk. It's a crazy world.
Viva My Cindy Jean
Viva Dr. Omoro
Peace Upon You
SHAZAM!!!! this may be just the break cindy-lou has been looking for. now all you have to do is follow the picture she draws you and you might be able to finally get it right !!! remember one person's trials are another person's nirvana
Apparently the pot shots continue!
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