Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
R. I. P. John Henry Klotz
Judy's Man (and her best friend)
Steph's Dad
Grandpa to 3
Southeastern Grad
Coach, Helluva Coach
Vietnam Vet
Fun loving
A very decent and kind man
Great smile and laugh
Kicked my ass at Trivial Pursuit
A true New Orleanian by heart
Knew the "gravy" man
Red Lion Bartender
The "original" Wedding Crasher
Loved life
He will be sorely missed
God Bless my friend John Henry Klotz
may he rest in peace and may perpetual
light shine upon him.
Viva Judy
Viva Steph, Ernie and the kids
Peace Upon You.
Steph's Dad
Grandpa to 3
Southeastern Grad
Coach, Helluva Coach
Vietnam Vet
Fun loving
A very decent and kind man
Great smile and laugh
Kicked my ass at Trivial Pursuit
A true New Orleanian by heart
Knew the "gravy" man
Red Lion Bartender
The "original" Wedding Crasher
Loved life
He will be sorely missed
God Bless my friend John Henry Klotz
may he rest in peace and may perpetual
light shine upon him.
Viva Judy
Viva Steph, Ernie and the kids
Peace Upon You.
NE Sights
The Blue Claw Cafe in Portsmouth (we did not eat there)
Finally, the Driftwood Inn at the end of Bailey Island.
The two buildings in pics 3 & 4 are next to each other.
Pic #3 is where we and the Chumsleys stayed the night,
made a fire, and chatted while downing some adult beverages.
Notice the FOG, yes it was very FOGGY. The whole aura of
the place screamed BATES MOTEL. Even the Inn Keeper
seemed to have a little Norman in him. This was anything but
a luxury B & B. Au contre it was very spartan, yet charming in
a New Englandy sort of way. Overall, a good time was had by
all and all survived!
Viva the Chumsleys
Viva the Driftwood Inn
Viva CJ
Peace Upon You
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Loving Life
Sometimes it takes a "late in life" appreciation to understand one's position in life.
Fact of the matter is........people are meant to be with people.
I could not be more happier than to be with my wife and best friend,
Cindy Jean.
My life and life in general is so much better because of Cindy.
She is what makes me tick. Period.
God has blessed me and I am thankful.
Viva Cynthia Jean Larmeu Edwards
Viva Life
Peace Upon You.
All Aboard!!!

The Chumsleys and the Edwards' ventured out to this local watering hole in downtown Providence and tested out their Union Light, Union Pale Ale, and Blueberry Lager.
Yes, Blueberry Lager (like with real blueberries floating in it-----btw, outstanding stuff). We passed a good time with a variety of folk, none it seemed were locals, at least in our immediate vicinity.
Thumbs up to the Union Station, ALL ABOARD!
Viva the geeky looking shaved hair Bartender
Viva the Steves
Viva the Chumsleys
Viva CJ
Viva Blueberry Lager
Peace Upon You
NE Sights
Took a tour of Salem via trolley car.
Maritime Museum - Bath, Maine
Free admission the day we went.
Portsmouth Brew House - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
This is the logo on its window, but, you get the reflection
of the houses across the street.
Oar House Restaurant - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
We ate out on the dock.
Viva the Chumsleys
Viva CJ
Peace Upon You
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Food Whore Restaurant Hall of Fame-New England
at Chumsley Manor, her food stands on its own merits -
But, if one were eating out in the far reaches of New England,
one would have to venture to the following:
The Lazy Lion in Deerfield, NH for Yankee Pot Roast
Outstanding! This little gourmet Bistro is out in the middle
of BFE. Hmmmmm. Tasty.
Next up, Cook's Lobster House, Bailey Island, Maine known
for its Lobster, but ya gotta try the Blueberry Pie, Freakin'
#3 on the hit parade, Centerville, Massachusetts for Hand
Made Ice Cream at the 4 Seas, go simple, Mocha Chip, did
I mention Hand Made? C'mon you would have to be fool to
go elsewhere for Ice Cream.
Lobsta.....where else? Cook's dammit, 37 years later it is
still as good as when Ronald Clayton Spangler fed me
there, back in the day.
Gotta go, I am getting hungry.
Viva Lil Annie
Viva His Lordship J. Hummingbird Chumsley
Viva Spike
Peace Upon You.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Where in the World are C & C Edwards?
Picture Hints Above:
1.) Lord and Lady J. Hummingbird Chumsley
2.) Lobsta
3.) Quincy Market – Boston
Our New England Experience
Please Get out your Garmin and try to follow along:
I. Massachusetts:
Boston – Quincy Market, The Black Rose Pub, The “T”
South Dennis – Chumsley Manor, Corn Dip, Bruschetta,
Lobster, Blueberry Pancakes, Guacamole and a variety
of other delicious edibles. The “clean” room at the dump.
Stop n Shop. The Christmas Tree Store (3 different ones),
Sydenstrecker Glass.
Newburyport – Oldies (flea market), Town Square
Centerville - *4 Seas Ice Cream* (2 times, wished it had been 6)
South Yarmouth - “The Skipper” – Chowda
Sandwich – Sam’s Seafood, Fish n Chips
II. Maine:
Freeport – L. L. Bean
Bath – Maritime Museum, Kennebec Tavern, Lisa Marie’s
Orr’s Island – Yard Sale, Artist Gallery
Bailey Island – Cook’s Lobster House, Bailey Island
Market, Driftwood Inn, World’s only Cribstone Bridge
III. New Hampshire:
Portsmouth – Oar House Inn, Crab/Avocado/Swiss on
English Muffin*
Deerfield – Old Orchard Inn, Lazy Lion, Yankee Pot Roast*
IV. Rhode Island:
Providence – Zooma, Dumpster, Union Station Brewery
A beautiful drive down U. S. Highway 6A.
Viva John & Lil Annie
Viva Cindy
Viva Chumsley
Peace upon you.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday Brunch? Where else, but.......

We like to go not for the food, but, to people watch.
Neither of the two fools at the top were there on
Sunday. But, they did have a very eclectic group
that ranged from a couple of tourists, an obvious Uptown family, a
table that was comprised of a policeman, a priest (or reverand)
of some type, a transvestite (or cross dresser), an old lady,
a couple of gays and two females. The food is pretty decent
eggs, bacon, etc., and I do like me some of their corned beef hash.
But, it is the experience that makes it worth the while.
Viva Betsy's
RIP Elizabeth McDaniel
Peace Upon You.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Today IS....................
The Annual: Clean Out the Garbage Cans Day! HOORAY!
It's dirty work, but, someone must do it!
Just Do It, I say!
I am not saying it was Broussardesque, mind you.
Even after much clorox and water I am sure the germs are just sliding across the plastic of the garbage cans enjoying there Summer vacation swim!
Sprayed the cans down with Lysol, so, Hey, everyone, KEEP IT CLEAN!
Viva Clorox
Via Lysol
Peace Upon You
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ready for Take Off

At Reagan National Airport in Washington D. C. out toward the end of the U. S. Airways Concourse sits a small food space called Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
All ingredients are fresh, the cheese burger is OMG Good (along the lines of Lee's), the fries are like real ones (reminiscent of The Great American Steak Company fries), and there were packets of Malt Vinegar for the fries. 'Nuff Said. I "chowed down".
Five Guys, Five Stars, this warning: NOT HEALTH FOOD.
Food Whoring my way across America, and bringing you the news, 'cause someone has to!!!!!
Viva Five Guys.
Viva D.C.
Peace Upon You.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Officially ON VACATION......

.....but, unfortunately not with Senor Frog or having a cold one with Cindy Jean @ Irish Kevin's.
Looking forward to a short visit with the family, some pool time, and hopefully, hanging out with Lil Annie and John on the Cape of the Cod. Updates on this site regularly during my hiatus from work.
Viva C.J. aka Lucinda, Linda, Wendy, OCD, and Sybil
Viva John and Lil Annie
Peace Upon You
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Do the Right Thing.....

Great point Prof! Society is a bitch these days..........when something's wrong, we gotta blame someone (and the finger is never pointed at ourselves or our loved ones).......someone does the right thing, we are out there singing their praises. When it's the right thing, people should just do it, period. Problem is, that doing the right thing is not as common place as in the old days.
Hey Prof, great point, lesson learned, that's why you are the learned one.
New motto: Let's all strive to do the right thing today, tomorrow, and every day.
Viva the Prof
Peace Upon You.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
What would Dr. Phil say........
to "the Dube"? Yes, the "squatty body" pictured landscaping at the home of his "true" love Cathy. Well, Dr. Phil might be a tad bit disappointed. Check out the pictures. First the normally color coded closet is somewhat skewed (could it be he is spending more time thinking about Cathy) from normal "Dube Preciseness". My local anal retentive friend Mike Broussard would be as disappointed as Dr. Phil.
Examine closer though, does "his Dubeness" have old high school trophies including one from his 4-H winning chicken farm? Tsk, tsk. Have we not grown up enough to rid ourselves of our childhood play toys or are we too busy landscaping? Do they give trophies in 4-H for landscaping? Just wondering.
Yes, the "little general" has changed in some ways and not in others.
Dr. Phil says Change is Good, Embrace Change, but, Straighten up you Damn Closet.
Viva Michael Huey Dubois
Viva Cathy Buskirk
Peace Upon You.
Monday, June 2, 2008
On an empty stomach......

is how you have to be prepared to go into a Colonoscopy. I will try and spare the gory details, but then again, maybe not. Sunday I began to prep for the Colonoscopy I had this morning. The Prep goes something like can only eat jello (not red, purple, or green), eat Popsicles, not much else food wise, and you must drink clear liquids (this is just a gist of the whole thing, not the exact directions). At 5pm I took 4 tables and drank at least 8ozs. of clear liquid (water), I did the same at 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00. That would be twenty tablets (which look like horse pills) and 5 or more 8oz glasses of water. Then you wait, then it clears you out, as you spend the next few hours getting up and going to the toilet. Then at 11pm, 11:15 and 11:30 I repeated the pill/water procedure. I then spent half the night getting up to go to the toilet.
Now, this is suppose to be a better way than the first time I had this procedure. Back in those days they gave you a gallon jug that you filled with water and a powder that produced a clear liquid with a kinda pineapple taste to it. YUCKY for sure. That taste was in my mouth for three weeks after the procedure. Last night with the pills and the water I had the same type of taste almost in my mouth, YUCKY.
Procedure this morning, all went well. Thank God. So my absolutely wonderful wife took me off to the Country Kitchen in Mandeville for Breakfast........scrambled egg, bacon, hash browns, wheat toast and coffee. OH MY GOD, was it ever good, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I hear where Woody Harrelson is going off to some island to fast for 40 days. Good Luck Idiot, you won't find me there. I barely made it a day. After a nap, off we went to Sam's and again, Cindy Jean saved the day by driving through the drive-thru of McDonald's for some GOOD, HOT, and SALTY French Fries. OMG!
I wish none of the agony associated with this procedure on any of you. It is a necessary evil, however, nonetheless!
May all of you have a GREAT meal this week.
Viva Cindy Jean
Viva Dr. Andry
Peace Upon You.
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