is how you have to be prepared to go into a Colonoscopy. I will try and spare the gory details, but then again, maybe not. Sunday I began to prep for the Colonoscopy I had this morning. The Prep goes something like this......you can only eat jello (not red, purple, or green), eat Popsicles, not much else food wise, and you must drink clear liquids (this is just a gist of the whole thing, not the exact directions). At 5pm I took 4 tables and drank at least 8ozs. of clear liquid (water), I did the same at 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00. That would be twenty tablets (which look like horse pills) and 5 or more 8oz glasses of water. Then you wait, then it clears you out, as you spend the next few hours getting up and going to the toilet. Then at 11pm, 11:15 and 11:30 I repeated the pill/water procedure. I then spent half the night getting up to go to the toilet.
Now, this is suppose to be a better way than the first time I had this procedure. Back in those days they gave you a gallon jug that you filled with water and a powder that produced a clear liquid with a kinda pineapple taste to it. YUCKY for sure. That taste was in my mouth for three weeks after the procedure. Last night with the pills and the water I had the same type of taste almost in my mouth, YUCKY.
Procedure this morning, all went well. Thank God. So my absolutely wonderful wife took me off to the Country Kitchen in Mandeville for Breakfast........scrambled egg, bacon, hash browns, wheat toast and coffee. OH MY GOD, was it ever good, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I hear where Woody Harrelson is going off to some island to fast for 40 days. Good Luck Idiot, you won't find me there. I barely made it a day. After a nap, off we went to Sam's and again, Cindy Jean saved the day by driving through the drive-thru of McDonald's for some GOOD, HOT, and SALTY French Fries. OMG!
I wish none of the agony associated with this procedure on any of you. It is a necessary evil, however, nonetheless!
May all of you have a GREAT meal this week.
Viva Cindy Jean
Viva Dr. Andry
Peace Upon You.
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