Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What would Dr. Phil say........

to "the Dube"? Yes, the "squatty body" pictured landscaping at the home of his "true" love Cathy. Well, Dr. Phil might be a tad bit disappointed. Check out the pictures. First the normally color coded closet is somewhat skewed (could it be he is spending more time thinking about Cathy) from normal "Dube Preciseness". My local anal retentive friend Mike Broussard would be as disappointed as Dr. Phil.
Examine closer though, does "his Dubeness" have old high school trophies including one from his 4-H winning chicken farm? Tsk, tsk. Have we not grown up enough to rid ourselves of our childhood play toys or are we too busy landscaping? Do they give trophies in 4-H for landscaping? Just wondering.
Yes, the "little general" has changed in some ways and not in others.
Dr. Phil says Change is Good, Embrace Change, but, Straighten up you Damn Closet.
Viva Michael Huey Dubois
Viva Cathy Buskirk
Peace Upon You.

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