Monday, July 28, 2008

You're a Shining Star!

Congratulations to my good friend Dave "The Rave" Williams for
winning First Place for Sports Action Photo at the New Orleans
Press Club Awards.
Dave is Focused, focused, and focused!
He loves his wife Janine and his son Alexander
Florida boy
Loves to eat at Sonny's BBQ
Addicted to Met Rx
Pumps Iron
Loves to beat JV at Racquetball
Possible ADHD
Creative, very creative
He is fun to work with and mimics me often
Wants to be an Oil and Land Baron (and probably will be)
Loves London
Loves Fish and Chips
Has made me look good (OK, we know that's a stretch)
Did I mention he was FOCUSED?
Congratulations DAVE!
Viva David
Viva Janine
Viva Alexander
Peace Upon You.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ode to my Iceberg

What has happened to my Iceberg?
I just don't know.

What has happened to my Iceberg?
It's not on a TV show.

What has happened to my Iceberg?
Emeril and Flay tout the rest

What has happened to my Iceberg?
It's the Best.

What has happened to my Iceberg?
People want Boston, Mixed Green, and Bib

What has happened to my Iceberg?
I love it and that's no Fib

What has happened to my Iceberg?
Damn, I had it on a sandwich today and it kicked ass.

Viva Iceberg Lettuce
Peace Upon You.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hangin' with Hoda and some Homeys

Good Food
Great Company
Hoda is just the darn right BEST! (aka "Photo Copy")
Rob Nelson Rocked!
Mackel Brothers are TOPS!
Melanie Hebert is too Cute and Fun too!
C13 Crew Rocked the House
Kudos to Melody, John, Trevor and Dave "The Rave"
Viva Hoda Kotb
Viva Travers and Fletcher Mackel
Viva Melanie Hebert
Viva Melody and Dr. John
Viva Dave and Jeanine
Viva John and Cheryl
Viva Kevin and Susan
Viva Trevor
Viva Cindy Jean

Friday, July 18, 2008

In the Presence of.............

You might not realize it at the time… might take a few minutes…..a few hours…..even days, months, and years……but, you do recognize the “greats” ones in this world. That premonition dawned on me today as I departed Coach Jack Salter’s house.
We had the opportunity to interview and talk with the man. He graciously took his time with us, extended us the hospitality of his home, allowed us to go through his pictures and press clippings, and shared a few stories with us. He is a man that believes strongly in tradition, loyalty, and above all, family. He loved his wife dearly! But, there was one other thing I saw……..but, you had to look very carefully……….if you read his eyes just right you’ll see that he is also a man of “great” determination and you can hear it in his voice.
When he talks about his coaching days, he talks about his coaches, his players and the community that supported his teams. He has a genuine love for all three. He bleeds Blue and Old Gold (he means Old Gold, not just any gold).
Back in my “Hey Day” of coaching a conversation amongst my fellow assistant coaches led us to agree that if we were not on this coaching staff then we would love to be at Covington High with Coach Salter.
What little I have said here will not do this man justice. Many have written and spoken more eloquently than I about this man.

Suffice it to say, today, lucky me, I was in the Presence of Greatness.

Viva Coach Salter
Viva Mrs. Betty Salter (R.I.P.)
Peace Upon You

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So every once in a while you get out the ole grill (Weber, in my case) and fire it up for some good hamburgers. Lately I have been very lacking in the "tasty", "juicy" hamburger area. C. J. has been throwing together the burgers with onions and some hamburger seasoning, but, we are not getting tasty and juicy. Fast forward to the grocery where I pick up some ground chuck that is 80/20......make that 80 percent lean, 20 percent fat. C. J. does her normal routine of dicing the onions, adding the seasoning, and forming the patty. On the grill it goes, fire spurts up more than normal. Add cheese to burgers, put burgers on the bun, add mayo and mustard, lettuce and tomato, voila! DELICIOUS! Why can't I do this all the time? I query?
Because we normally use 95/5 she says..................yikes..............THAT explains it all.
Message to self: Stick with 80/20

Viva C. J.
Viva Cheeseburger
Peace Upon You.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Yesireee, Blueberries (especially Wyman's)! Our good friends Lord and Lady J. Hummingbird Chumsley provided us with these delicious morsels during our stay on the Cape of Cod.
Frozen blueberries right from freezer and the bag on top of your cereal and falling into your milk...........well, yum, yum, yummy. His Lordship even popped some of them there blue things into his pancake mix for us one morning.....Good Eatin'.
Also, Cook's Lobster House had Wyman's in their Blueberry Pie, sinfully delicious!
One of my new favorite desserts: Vanilla Ice Cream and ........yes, Blueberries.
Now, last but not least, the aforementioned Blueberry Lager from Union Station!
Blueberries, #1 provider of antioxidants, healthy, need I say more.
Of course, you cannot find Wyman's in these parts, UNFORTUNATELY. Bummer!
But, I have been using an "off" brand to temporarily feed my hunger for these little (little ones are better) healthy treats.
Eat more Blueberries, make more love!
Viva John and Ann
Viva Maine Blueberries
Viva Wyman's
Peace Upon You

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

God Bless America
God Bless all our Soldiers
Enjoy the day of our Independence
The U. S. of A. is the greatest country on Earth
Today is not a fru-fru day, make sure you eat
yourself a good burger or hot dog, its an American
Peace Upon You

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lobster Buoys of Maine

Viva the Lobstermen
Viva Maine
Peace Upon You

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

NE Sights

Lobster fisherman's dock on Orr's Island.
Artist rendition of an Ant in downtown
Portsmouth, N. H.