Friday, June 29, 2007

Is it just me?

Just came back from a New Car Dealership where we purchased for CJ her own brand new vehicle:

Why is it that now I feel like I need to take a bath? (having gone through the whole new car buying routine) Is this just me?

Geez, everyone in the fricking place is doing us a favor. They have just cut us the best fricking price. No one else in or near the dealership in a long time is getting this deal. Somehow the salesman or someone overwhelmed the Manager with thoughts that we are such a damn good people that they need to sell us a car for a $1,500 loss. And did I mention? Not everyone else is getting this deal. Just us, because we are so special.

It is a choreographed cliche' filled routine that everyone takes part in. With the salesman, the new car manager, the finance manager, and every person in the place giving us such a good damn deal, why do I feel compelled to take a bath? Or didn't I just do that? (PUN INTENDED)

Classic new car salesman lines:
"We just want to make 200 bucks over invoice"
"Since you are a referral, I'll............"
"I got special permission from the manager and I can only do that because you are a referral"
"I don't waste time trying to deal, I just get to the bottom line"
"What if I can get the manager to do........"

Finance Manager line:
"You don't have to get the credit insurance, but, if anything ever happens to you......"
"The best I can do is 6.45% (our answer: well we can do better at the Credit Union) Finance Guy: Wait a second, let me try call......if they have a high credit score what is the best I can do?........oh, hey they knocked another 1.5% off"

If the best they can do at one moment is not the best they can do overall, then that begs the question.....What is the best they can do? Obviously, screw the customers.

I get the distinct impression that everyone at the dealership expects us to THANK them for all they did for us.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (The actual sound of the screaming in my head) after having this experience.

Peace Out

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